
Snap Totes

Handbag Steals

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Tips for picking the perfect large handbag

By Andreea Garcia

Whether you are on the lookout for a lesser priced tote bag or a higher priced and fashionable bag, you can seek large handbags that are both enjoyable and realistic. Smaller handbags used to be all the rage, but more recently the bigger ones have become more accepted. One motive for this is that tons of women realize that a little bag just doesn't have the required amount of space for all the belongings they like to haul around with them! If you are searching for large handbags, you should keep the following principles in mind.

You want to be sure you are getting what you are paying for when shopping for designer handbags. Fake designer bags are quite prominent on the market these days because of their lowered price and off brand manufacturers. If you live in, or are visiting a large city anywhere in the world, you can be certain that the "designer" handbags sold by vendors in the street are counterfeit. When you find a true designer bag you'll know it because of the quality of the materials it's mad out of the tight stitching and the unblemished surface free of all other flaws. They also come with an authenticity card, which has the logo of the manufacturer, such as Gucci or Prada. If you want to stay safe buy from only authorized retailers online and in stores.

Satchel bags have risen in popularity and are not difficult to find in most locales. These type of bags are worn across the shoulders and often have large handles. They come in a variety of styles, and can be used for many purposes, whether you are carrying books, makeup or athletic gear. Satchel's can be found in retail stores and at reasonable prices. Men can use satchels just as well as women can even Indiana Jones wore one. You can use a satchel for just about any occassion.

For the connoisseur of large handbags, the backpack is a stylish option to look at. There are arguments that a backpack is in fact not a handbag, however it has become fashionable lately to wear one in place of a handbag. Since they even distribute the weight across your shoulders, backpacks are often more comfortable. Backpacks are now made by many designer companies and come in all different sizes, so these are a good choice if you're looking for a stylish and practical type of large handbag.

Fashion accessories with a purposeful meaning are what many describe as large handbags. Many women who like to carry small handbags also own at least one large handbag for it's versatility when there is a lot to carry around. Regardless of whether or not you shop online or in town you are sure to find many types available. Keep these factors in mind when shopping for large handbags.

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