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Monday, 11 July 2011

4 Myths Of An Aluminum Laptop Case Debunked

By Rodney Greyling

For years, aluminum stood among the many products that were deemed as hazardous to human health and were given a red sign to mean that they should be avoided at all costs. With modern research and detailed information, it was discovered that none of these rumors were true. Now people recognize the versatility of aluminum. Aluminum cases are designed for business use and ease of travel. Despite the rise in fame, there are a few myths that have risen to threaten its anarchy to continued fame.

Myth #1 - Aluminum Cases are not in Style

Many people think of aluminum as being a boring color. However, modern technology has taken products such as aluminum laptop cases and allowed them to bask in the fame of other classy products without lacking not even an inch of detail to be considered a prestigious trophy to have. The somewhat unappealing color is transformed with the powder-coated finish to give it more than just the gray color that so many people associate with aluminum. Contouring the exterior of the case has given it a classy look with detail and personality.

Myth # 2- Metal Laptop Cases Corrode

If it were not for the aluminum oxide that is formed once aluminum is exposed to oxygen then it would be impossible to debunk this myth. However, the thin film of aluminum oxide prevents it from corroding and thus maintain its natural appearance. Many people confuse iron with aluminum and assume that if they are getting an aluminum laptop case, then in a few months they will have to contend with a brownish powdery substance on it. However, aluminum and iron are not the same and are not used in the same manner either.

Myth #3- Aluminum Cases are too Heavy

Contrary to what many people may think, an aluminum laptop case is light to carry and handle. The misconception that revolves around associating it with steel is the main reason why people assume that it is heavy to carry around. Aluminum cases are designed to be light weight, even when the computer is carried in it.

Myth # 4- Alzheimer's Disease can be caused by aluminum cases

It was believed that continued exposure to aluminum can cause one to develop Alzheimer's disease. However, studies have shown that the neurofibrillary tangles that were discovered when rats were fed a high amount of aluminum are different from those of Alzheimer's disease, and one has absolutely nothing to do with the other. Therefore, having an aluminum laptop case is not a written death sentence, instead it is a sophisticated item that depicts professionalism, class and taste.

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