It's easy to be tricked into buying a handbag that's not genuine, often the only giveaway will be the price (which is too good to be true). However I decided to list a few things to look out for when shopping that could help you spot a fake, these tips might save you a fortune if used correctly.
Specialist designer stores will usually only have 1 or 2 bags of any model in stock, it's just too much of a risk to buy one bag in bulk. However people selling fake handbags are always working in the opposite way buying 100s of the same bag. So any time you see a seller online or off with 40 bags of the same model stay clear.
Stitching is always a good sign of how well a bag is made. Check for un-even or loose stitching on the inside of the bag and not just the outside. Also check that seems in the corners of the bag have the same stitching color, fakes often don't bother with this.
All real designer handbags come with a unique serial number that identifies that exact bag to the manufacturer. It's usually on the inside of the label and while some fake bags have this too not all have mastered it yet so it's worth looking out for.
The logo is another giveaway that you can look for since most of the top designers imprint their logo multiple times on the inside of the bags lining. If any of the logos are faded or even if they don't line up exactly then it's almost certainly a fake. Remember the people making these fake bags spend much less time on the inside than the outside.
To me it doesn't matter if I'm buying online or on the high street I will want to see some reviews of the store before I purchase. There's lots of review sites out there like Ciao and Reevoo which are free for anyone to post on and you can bet if someone buys a fake bag without knowing they're going to complain about it somewhere.
Specialist designer stores will usually only have 1 or 2 bags of any model in stock, it's just too much of a risk to buy one bag in bulk. However people selling fake handbags are always working in the opposite way buying 100s of the same bag. So any time you see a seller online or off with 40 bags of the same model stay clear.
Stitching is always a good sign of how well a bag is made. Check for un-even or loose stitching on the inside of the bag and not just the outside. Also check that seems in the corners of the bag have the same stitching color, fakes often don't bother with this.
All real designer handbags come with a unique serial number that identifies that exact bag to the manufacturer. It's usually on the inside of the label and while some fake bags have this too not all have mastered it yet so it's worth looking out for.
The logo is another giveaway that you can look for since most of the top designers imprint their logo multiple times on the inside of the bags lining. If any of the logos are faded or even if they don't line up exactly then it's almost certainly a fake. Remember the people making these fake bags spend much less time on the inside than the outside.
To me it doesn't matter if I'm buying online or on the high street I will want to see some reviews of the store before I purchase. There's lots of review sites out there like Ciao and Reevoo which are free for anyone to post on and you can bet if someone buys a fake bag without knowing they're going to complain about it somewhere.
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