Let's face it, the time has come: designer handbags have become so crucial to a chic look that they can hardly be considered 'accessories' anymore. Finding a designer handbag that fits your style and personality is not difficult; rather, it just takes some time and careful consideration to find just what type of bag you should be looking for. Bags come in a great variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, and there are many bags out there that will undoubtedly make any body style or fashion sense look even more appealing. Women need to remember one key rule: with all the options out there, never settle on a bag that doesn't compliment your style.
The first element women usually look at in a handbag is the color. It is the first thing that attracts onlookers' eyes and the color of the designer handbag can go so far as to portray your character to passers-by. If you consider yourself an exuberant person or are wearing bright clothes, it's usually a good idea to choose one of the designer handbags that offers bright colors. On the flipside, if you want to portray yourself in a professional light, a grey or black color usually works best. Many women choose a neutral-colored designer handbag such as black, grey, or white so it matches with many outfits. If the colors in your wardrobe are diverse, it may be in your best interest to buy a handbag that has switchable shells, thus allowing you to have just one bag and avoid buying more costly handbags.
Equally important to your bag's color is its form. The size and shape of a bag can be extremely effective in accentuating your natural body type. Since designer handbags don't form to your body like a necklace or bracelet would, these accessories some careful thought to make sure they compliment your body. This doesn't mean it is difficult to find a bag that makes your body look flattering; in fact, the opposite is true. Designer handbags come in so many shapes and sizes that it is nearly impossible to find one that will look flattering on you. The trick is to try bags on to see just how they compliment your body. A rule of thumb is to use a bag that is not the exact same as your own body type. Since bags don't form-fit to the body, they should be used as balancing accessories. For example, women who are tall and thin should avoid tall and thin bags at all costs. Instead, a round designer handbag that hangs above the hip would be a more astute decision.
There is a great volume of bags available, but it is not difficult to find a designer handbag that fits best. Designer handbags can be purchased at malls or in boutique shops, but the shopping options are opening up. One alternative way to find the ideal bag is to attend a purse party, which allows you to have a fun evening with friends while trying on bags to find one that fits your style.
Whatever your designer handbag taste may be, there are a slew of options. Color and shape are always factors and a carefully selected designer handbag can turn heads as effectively as your most flattering dress. The options are numerous, so a woman should never settle on a bag that doesn't fit her fashion sense or work alongside her body style. Take the time to find designer handbags that suit you and work well with your wardrobe, or buy a single bag with customizable shells, which essentially works like owning multiple bags. The options are endless, so take advantage.
The first element women usually look at in a handbag is the color. It is the first thing that attracts onlookers' eyes and the color of the designer handbag can go so far as to portray your character to passers-by. If you consider yourself an exuberant person or are wearing bright clothes, it's usually a good idea to choose one of the designer handbags that offers bright colors. On the flipside, if you want to portray yourself in a professional light, a grey or black color usually works best. Many women choose a neutral-colored designer handbag such as black, grey, or white so it matches with many outfits. If the colors in your wardrobe are diverse, it may be in your best interest to buy a handbag that has switchable shells, thus allowing you to have just one bag and avoid buying more costly handbags.
Equally important to your bag's color is its form. The size and shape of a bag can be extremely effective in accentuating your natural body type. Since designer handbags don't form to your body like a necklace or bracelet would, these accessories some careful thought to make sure they compliment your body. This doesn't mean it is difficult to find a bag that makes your body look flattering; in fact, the opposite is true. Designer handbags come in so many shapes and sizes that it is nearly impossible to find one that will look flattering on you. The trick is to try bags on to see just how they compliment your body. A rule of thumb is to use a bag that is not the exact same as your own body type. Since bags don't form-fit to the body, they should be used as balancing accessories. For example, women who are tall and thin should avoid tall and thin bags at all costs. Instead, a round designer handbag that hangs above the hip would be a more astute decision.
There is a great volume of bags available, but it is not difficult to find a designer handbag that fits best. Designer handbags can be purchased at malls or in boutique shops, but the shopping options are opening up. One alternative way to find the ideal bag is to attend a purse party, which allows you to have a fun evening with friends while trying on bags to find one that fits your style.
Whatever your designer handbag taste may be, there are a slew of options. Color and shape are always factors and a carefully selected designer handbag can turn heads as effectively as your most flattering dress. The options are numerous, so a woman should never settle on a bag that doesn't fit her fashion sense or work alongside her body style. Take the time to find designer handbags that suit you and work well with your wardrobe, or buy a single bag with customizable shells, which essentially works like owning multiple bags. The options are endless, so take advantage.
About the Author:
Learn more about designer handbags. Stop by Miche Bag's site where you can find out all about a designer handbag and what it can do for you.
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