
Snap Totes

Handbag Steals

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Kausar Tips for Luxury Handbags Online

By Abby Schildt

Buying a handbag via the internet can be a daunting process, specifically when you see how many websites are trading and dealing handbags. Whenever you do your search in your preferred google search, you will see literally thousands of websites advertising handbags.

You'll find replica handbags, inspired by handbags, genuine handbags, designer handbags.The list goes on and on. But don't be fooled into believing that a website is actually selling authentic handbags, even though they say they are. They could be scam artists, aiming to pass off an image image handbag being 100% authentic.

Here are some tips for you to figure out which one of those thousands of websites are in fact selling authentic designer handbags. When you enter a website, always look for a proof of authenticy. A good website, selling 100% authentic designer handbags, will have a proof of authenticy. If you can't locate one anyplace, you should just leave the website, because they could be trying to sell you a fake.

If you run directly into a website that keeps suggesting that all the handbags are of great quality, you must think twice before making a purchase from them. Authentic handbags always have great quality and they don't really need to market that fact. The company name means quality. Always look for a money back guarantee. If you are in a website and they do not have a money back gaurantee, then you shouldn't buy from them. When you get the handbag from the mail, you need to examine it to ensure it is everything you paid for. If it's not, you ought to be able to return it for a refund.

When you are in a website, check around and make sure that the internet site provides a detailed address and phone number. Any website that doesn't have these are not trustworthy and you shouldn't have business dealings with them.

Watch out for any company from China who claim to be selling authentic handbags. These companies sell illegitimate copywrited handbags and is also prohibited. Law enforcement is very scarce in China, and it's really simple for these crooks to find a way with making and selling illegal, replica handbags, that comes with logo's, tags, bags and boxes. Not every websites are selling illegal handbags, however, you should know about the ones that are. You can purchase that handbag that you have always wanted for 70% off the retail price, but only if you're searching in the right place.

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