
Snap Totes

Handbag Steals

Thursday, 13 October 2011

General Designer Handbag Buying Tips

By Kristyn Elle

When it comes to designer handbag, a very important point to always remember is to never base your purchases based on the brand. Spend less time considering its brand and spend more time checking the quality of the item. This is the proper way of buying a designer bag online. Not only can a quality handbag last longer, but it also gives you the best value that money can buy. There are mainly two reasons why most designer handbags are expensive; one reason is because of their excellent quality they possess, the second one is because customers are paying for its name too. It is because of these reasons why branded handbags are considered as luxury items. The problem with online purchases, however, is with counterfeit products. Imitation items that sport inferior quality. Most replicas are sold at an incredibly low price.

Finding imitation handbags online is not that hard to do since they are available almost anywhere. If you prefer to buy authentic handbags and not just replicas, then here are some few tips on how to look for them.

The first thing you need to checkout is the website. Buying from the official homepage of the handbag designer is one of the safest ways to buy branded items. Handbags from websites that are not in any way affiliated with the designer are still okay to buy from, just make sure the website possess the necessary web securities every online store should have.

Here is a simple rule. To make sure all your online shopping activities are secured, look for different security signs (e. G, HTTP tags, security seals, lock icon) that guarantee the site is well-protected. Security seals are positive signs that the web dealer you are buying from is doing a clean business. These signs also help keep opportunistic entities away from stealing important information from you.

Next is on how to identify replica handbags. Counterfeit bags are definitely a rip-off. Quality is inferior, design is poor, and most of their patterns are inconsistent. It is actually very easy to determine if a handbag is counterfeit or not by simply touching it. Online purchasing, however, makes this technique virtually impossible. Fortunately, there are still some other methods that you can do to check the authenticity of the product.

Here is how you do it. First, never transact with online stores that offer no screen grab of their items. Check their pictures and look for any inconsistencies in their pattern. Imitation bags are also very notorious for having a poor design. If you are still unsure, you can always visit the official page of the brand and check to see if the item being sold is exactly similar to the bags listed on the site.

Knowing the availability of a particular handbag design is also another way of making sure you are not falling for a counterfeit item. Many branded handbags are very tough to buy unless you buy them directly from their official stores, especially when the item is part of a collection. If you happen to came across with someone who is selling you a handbag that looks real, deal with caution. But still, it is highly possible that the bag is just slightly used.

Designer handbag is an item of luxury. It is mainly because of this why many people are still so keen in selling counterfeit items. To help keep yourself away from purchasing an imitation, remember these simple pointers every time you make an online purchase.

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