There is no such thing as a designer handbag at an affordable price for the average woman. Such bags are the sole possessions of members of the filthy rich, the jet set, the privileged few, yes? You will not find such bags at a Wal-Mart sale.
Are you? Believe it or not, the answer is yes! No, I'm not pulling your leg. Stay tuned, let me show how you how this works.
If you have not been frequenting the New York or Milan or whatever seasonal fashion shows this year, you may not be tuned into the fact that these handbags are made for each season. When the designer's next season comes out, the old season's stock must go.
Hold up. Don't go and storm your favorite designer retailer. They rarely ever sell them out of the stores at a discounted price. You won't find a clearance rack at the Coach or Prada stores, much as you might wish otherwise. You can, however, find these designer bags and outlets and online retailers that have been selected to carry these discounted bags. Because designers never let "seconds" out of their production facility, the bags you find at outlets and online retailers are authentic, provided they provide proof, and usually have nothing wrong with them other than outliving their selected season.
Some online retailers have even jumped ahead of the game, making exclusive deals with authentic handbag manufacturers (yep, the same ones that provide goods to those name-brand stores you were just talking about) and are shipped designer handbags once each season ends. This is excellent for you, since once you've found that particular online retailer, the one with the discount hookup on the brand you want, you can come back season after season. This usually means, however, that stock on these online stores depletes rather quickly, as people looking for specific bags discover the bag they returned to the storefront to get is gone.
If you are wondering about the credibility of purchasing a bag from such a place, since you can not handle it yourself and check it inside and out for workmanship and authenticity before you hand over your credit card, ask to see more and more photos. Most retailers will take lots of pictures of the bags they have in their inventory, including the inside of the bag and the certificate of authenticity; others will use stock photos submitted by the designer. Before spending a wad on your dream handbag, ask the store to send as many photos as you need to put you at ease. Any reputable online business will be happy to do that for you.
You must also get a promise for a refund, in writing, should the bag turn out differently than what you imagined it to look like when viewing it on the internet. Online payment services and banks that are responsible for credit card handling will help you in recovering payment if you can prove the transaction was less than above board. You can also take your bag to a local designer store, if you are lucky enough to have one, and have them appraise it for authenticity.
Now you know everything you need to know about purchasing at a discount that dream Gucci messenger bag you keep drooling over. Are you going to purchase it at once? Or are you going to continue to drool, never knowing what it really feels like to spend the rest of your life with such a posh companion? I would think that the ability to capture such a find at one-third to one-half off the original price is enough to send any self-respecting fashion diva to the nearest legitimate outlet. You only live once, let you live it with a Gucci.
Are you? Believe it or not, the answer is yes! No, I'm not pulling your leg. Stay tuned, let me show how you how this works.
If you have not been frequenting the New York or Milan or whatever seasonal fashion shows this year, you may not be tuned into the fact that these handbags are made for each season. When the designer's next season comes out, the old season's stock must go.
Hold up. Don't go and storm your favorite designer retailer. They rarely ever sell them out of the stores at a discounted price. You won't find a clearance rack at the Coach or Prada stores, much as you might wish otherwise. You can, however, find these designer bags and outlets and online retailers that have been selected to carry these discounted bags. Because designers never let "seconds" out of their production facility, the bags you find at outlets and online retailers are authentic, provided they provide proof, and usually have nothing wrong with them other than outliving their selected season.
Some online retailers have even jumped ahead of the game, making exclusive deals with authentic handbag manufacturers (yep, the same ones that provide goods to those name-brand stores you were just talking about) and are shipped designer handbags once each season ends. This is excellent for you, since once you've found that particular online retailer, the one with the discount hookup on the brand you want, you can come back season after season. This usually means, however, that stock on these online stores depletes rather quickly, as people looking for specific bags discover the bag they returned to the storefront to get is gone.
If you are wondering about the credibility of purchasing a bag from such a place, since you can not handle it yourself and check it inside and out for workmanship and authenticity before you hand over your credit card, ask to see more and more photos. Most retailers will take lots of pictures of the bags they have in their inventory, including the inside of the bag and the certificate of authenticity; others will use stock photos submitted by the designer. Before spending a wad on your dream handbag, ask the store to send as many photos as you need to put you at ease. Any reputable online business will be happy to do that for you.
You must also get a promise for a refund, in writing, should the bag turn out differently than what you imagined it to look like when viewing it on the internet. Online payment services and banks that are responsible for credit card handling will help you in recovering payment if you can prove the transaction was less than above board. You can also take your bag to a local designer store, if you are lucky enough to have one, and have them appraise it for authenticity.
Now you know everything you need to know about purchasing at a discount that dream Gucci messenger bag you keep drooling over. Are you going to purchase it at once? Or are you going to continue to drool, never knowing what it really feels like to spend the rest of your life with such a posh companion? I would think that the ability to capture such a find at one-third to one-half off the original price is enough to send any self-respecting fashion diva to the nearest legitimate outlet. You only live once, let you live it with a Gucci.
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